英雄联盟1级可以点天赋吗 英雄联盟1级全天赋英文-51游戏网


英雄联盟1级可以点天赋吗 英雄联盟1级全天赋英文

小编:51游戏网 时间:2022-11-17 07:13:49




蛮横之力:1/2/3 攻击力(0/3)。

思想之力:1/2/3/4 法术强度(0/4)。







LOL 英雄联盟 求翻译成英文 急

Zhao Xin before has always been unpopular hero, since he was after overhaul, Zhao Xin ability gets very big rise, although there are some slightly weakened after the update, but Zhao Xin play wild ability is beyond doubt.

From the initial attribute on level 1, Zhao Xin based attacks, the basic life, base armor above are good in the currently playing wild hero

Properties for hunting wild growth, can be used as a meat and a half tank type play wild hero, 3.7 / per level armor growth makes Zhao Xin can get good bonus armor

Zhao Xin characters comprehensive property is not common in wild, can have both physical output character at the same time, high damage to monomer, tanks, or team half meat cut back to control the other dealers, at the same time using the new big damage each other formations. Zhao Xin can do it according to the requirements of team can enter to back, can play to fight.

Talent information:

Zhao Xin 9/21/0 defense talent

Talent pictures

If the team on the sheet is a AP hero or do you need one and a half dozen wild meat, defensive talent Zhao Xin are qualified for this position.

As a wild, can experience and money are all less than online hero, so you in GANK equipment and levels are at a disadvantage, although defensive stance, on its own output and wild speed has been curbed, but when GANK to guarantee its own survival.

At the same time because Zhao Xin dash to each other after formation is needed to use tricks formation damage each other, so can better ensure Zhao Xin defensive stance, the chances of survival and not have to.

Because Zhao Xin is a single output hero, both limits the defensive stance, your wild also limits the output speed, so unless the team must do you meat, or personal or recommend Zhao Xin 21/9/0 the output of the talent is advisable.

Rune options:

Rune illustrations

Red mark: physical penetration mark X3 + fixed attack rate mark X6

Yellow FuYin: fixed FuYin armor

Blue glyphs: growth spells

Purple extract: fixed against the essence



打女刀锋的职业玩家,离队的职业玩家,物理输出,一个专精防御的职业玩家,坦克英雄,辛继德 (摇还是不摇),辅助,法术输出,打野英雄


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